July 30, 2020
If we could get this truth down on the inside of the people who are lost -- there is nobody that would ever love us like Jesus does -- it would set them free. The devil targets them in order to bring confusion in making decisions. Always remember that the devil cannot tell the truth. So whenever he tells you that your worthless, then that’s a pretty good sign letting you know that it is the compete opposite of what God thinks of you.
Proverbs 3:6 NKJV
6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."
Why do you think the devil wants you to stay away from reading the Word of God? He knows that God’s Word is truth because God is truth. When you start reading in the beginning of the book of Isaiah you will see God dealing with an apostate people that refuse to turn away from sin and turn back to God.
Isaiah 55:1, “If you’re thirsty, come to the water”. In John 7:37 Jesus said, “If any man drinks of this water he’ll thirst again, but if he drinks the water I offer he’ll never thirst.”
The grace of the Lord is extended to us today. Just like the children of Israel, He is inviting us to come and take a deep drink of refreshing water, which is freely given to us. We need to share with the people that the devil has a plan to bring suffering and captivity on them. But, God has a plan to bring us freedom and provide all the necessities to sustain us until He comes and brings us into the Kingdom of Heaven, prepared for all that believe in His Son Christ Jesus.
Father, we stand in Your presence with our mouths open wide to receiving this cold, refreshing water that You offer us today. There are so many people that we meet everyday that need to find this water who are thirsty and hungry. Help us to speak life to them. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Blessings on the journey, and remember that the best is yet to come.