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Writer's pictureRev. Wayne Sanders

Hope Does Not Disappoint

November 3, 2020

Romans 5:5

5 "And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!"

As Paul wrote this letter to the Romans, we find that it is filled with practical exhortations. In the introduction to Romans Brother Hagin said this, “The good news of Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed. It is also life to be lived. A life of righteousness befitting the person justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ.”

Our hope is founded in God’s trustworthy goodness, and on His gracious promises. It is centered on the un-failing Word of God filled with precious promises. The best way to give glory and honor to God, is trusting and believing that God’s Word is faithful and true.

Testimony: I met some young ladies in St. Louis during our Fourth of July outreach to the city. The place was packed with people from all over the nation. Two young ladies began to attack me for believing in what they called "fairy tales." I said, "How convenient that must be for you. I have never seen a fairy tale raise someone from the dead, but one day you will look back on this day and see that you have know excuse for rejecting Christ." They cussed me out so I looked for someone else to share Jesus with. Hope does not disappoint.

Thank You, Father, for a hope, given to us in Christ, that will never disappoint or put us to shame. In those moments where we feel like we have not measured up to what we are called to do, you have set before us an open door that no man can shut. Thank You for pouring an abundant, overflowing demonstration of Your love that will see us through until Christ comes to get us. In Jesus' name we pray,

Blessings on the journey, and remember that the best is yet to come.

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