February 14, 2022
"Why should I feel discouraged
Why should the shadows come
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heaven and home
"When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is He
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches over me
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me
"I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me
While sitting at lunch one day, my wife pointed out of the window at a little sparrow hopping across the parking lot and she said, "There is your little sparrow.” She had no idea what I was meditating on at that moment.
Many times when it seemed like things were getting really bad I would see this little bird fly in the room and it would bring me peace just at the right moment.
If you are: 1. Discouraged; 2. Afraid of the future; or 3. Struggling with the problems of today, then you need to listen again to the words of this beautiful song.
Maybe the word "Valentine" is not found in the Bible. For us, everyday is Valentine's Day, as we experience God's love everyday.
Father, today we say, "I loveYou" for Your amazing love. I pray that we come to know the breadth and lenght and depth and height and width of the love of Jesus Christ. And I pray that the world would know us by our love. And, Father, Happy Valentine's Day. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.
Blessings on the journey, and remember the best is yet to come.