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  • Writer's pictureRev. Wayne Sanders

Give Thanks

February 19, 2021

First Thessalonians 5:18 encourages us to "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

I find it interesting to see how many people will thank God for everything that they are going through. They will say that God is teaching them a valuable lesson by making them sick, or by destroying their lives to prove a point. Really?

Our God is faithful to bring us through the trials, and that’s what makes me greatful. We may still be stuck in a hard hit area down here in Louisiana at the moment, but the greatest lesson I am learning is just how much God really loves us. I am learning how much our friends are praying for us and sending us help to get us back home safely. So IN EVERYTHING we give thanks.

Look beyond the current challenges that you may find yourself in to a God who is the true source of peace and love.

Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

3 You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Father, I am feeling such a great burden to pray for our nation as we face such devastating circumstances that our enemies are determined to destroy us within. Proverbs 29:2 KJV says “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Hear our cry, oh Lord, and deliver us from the hands of the wicked. Restore our dignity as a people, and renew our spirits that are within us. I lift up all my friends and their families before You this day, and I thank You with a grateful heart for their safety and Your tender touch of mercy on them in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen and amen.

Blessings on the journey, and remember the best is yet to come.

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