July 13, 2020
Romans 7:9
9 "For I was alive without the law once; but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died."
I was sitting in a class for Bible School when one of my instructors stopped teaching on her subject and said, "I don’t know who this is for, but I need to take a moment to share with you what the Lord is showing me right now."
Then she quoted Romans 7:9, and said that Paul was referring to when he was a baby he was alive to God. Then he made a choice that caused sin to revive, which comes at what we call "the age of accountability," and then he died. Later, he became alive to God again. That’s when Paul received Jesus Christ into his heart and was born again.
She was speaking right to me, because I had lost my son when he was just two weeks shy of his first birthday. It was a subject that was defiantly on my mind a lot. It gave me a great deal of peace at that moment, and started me on a search to glean a better understanding in its meaning.
Over the next few days I want to talk about the differences between our spirit, our soul, and our body.
Father, I pray that You help me speak the right words that will help to paint a picture of what this all means. That it will bring peace to those who have lost a love one, from a baby to a spouse to a parent or friend. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Blessings on the journey, and remember the best is yet to come.
Praise God for the Divine times He speaks to us through other people..As well as we speak devine things to others in Jesus Name...