November 12, 2021
Revelation 12:11 (KJV)
11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
This song came up in my spirit today, and I remember how we use to sing it in our youth group back in the early '70s. At that time it was just a song we sang about; "someday" we would overcome. But really, the truth is that "someday" has now become alive in me today.
"We shall overcome
We shall overcome, we shall overcome,
We shall overcome someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome someday."
Update: Our service last night was truly a battle but we keep pushing back the darkness, and we overcame! Praise God! There were salvations, rededications, and healings. God showed up, showed off His glory, and destroyed the works of the enemy.
I prayed for at least three people that received their healing. Praise the name of Jesus! Mike preached and it set the stage for God to move on behalf of His Word. He encouraged all of us to be encouraged and to lift their heads in praise to the Father.
Father, I stand amazed everytime You minister in power to Your people. I am grateful for all the kindness that You have shown us as well as the people of Honduras. I ask that You continue to allow us to do Your work here and to be a witness of Your great love for Your creation. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen,
Blessings on the journey, and remember that the best is yet to come.